
300mm Hollow Soffit Board

Colour / finish options


Product Overview


Geoplas 300mm wide hollow soffit boards are 10mm thick and are suitable for either lay-on or angled soffit details. Manufactured from UPVC they offer a light weight yet durable maintenance free solution capping new or existing soffit details.


Fitting tips; install soffit boards, nailing to each soffit bearer with 40mm Polytop nails. Soffit boards can be joined using soffit joint trim, cut to the desired width and leaving a 4mm expansion gap at each board end. Allow the soffit board to overhang the rafter foot by 10mm in order to locate into the slot at the rear of the fascia board.




Product Size: 300mm x 10mm

Material: UPVC

Lengths: 5 m, specials to order

Colours: White, Cream, Beige, Golden Oak, Rosewood, Mahogany, Grey, Black Ash, Brown and Black


Features & Benfits


Will not rot

Tougue & groove

Hollow Cellular structure

Maintenance free

Insulates soffit area

U.V. Resistant

Extends application life




Domestic and commercial roofline soffit cladding

Holiday home skirting

Deck and Veranda skirting

General cladding applications

New Build work or Replacement projects.


Technical Drawing

