1980 | Peter Lowe starts two companies, RA Extrusions and RA Adhesive Products |
1991 | The Gasket Company is acquired. This is later to become PAL Glazing Products |
1994 | PAL Group is created by the merger of the companies under a single umbrella |
2002 | Geoplas Profiles is created to develop unique patented roofline products and general extruded plastic ancillary items |
2004 | The trading stock, assets and order book of Rustin Allen Ltd are acquired by the Group |
2006 | Fensys is born with the development of unique acrylic modified PVC products for the agricultural, domestic and leisure markets |
The present day
Located on two sites within ½ mile of each other in the heart of the West Midlands, the Group continues to be innovative and to use its resources, reputation and people to compete enthusiastically with the best of Europe’s manufacturers